I don't think it's very much of stretch to argue that Patti Smith's musical legacy is directly related to economics and urban affairs. Right? Ok, perhaps Smith 's music has had no effect whatsoever on public policy, or on the obesity epidemic among the poor (which is what I really should be reading about more than I am reading old Rolling Stone reviews of
Easter and
Radio Ethiopia) - but she did have an effect on just about everything else in this world. I just can't get into
Dream of Life though.
Robert Palmer gave it a glorious review back in 1996, at one point saying that
"with Patti Smith's confident singing and incandescent lyrics, Fred Smith's persuasive riff craft and expressive sonic palette and Jimmy Iovine's sense of definition and clarity going for it, Dream of Life couldn't really miss." Maybe I missed something the first twenty or so times I listened to the album before I decided hated it, so I just gave it another shot. Sorry Robbie, I tried, but I cannot love this album, let alone listen to it. Y'all know I idolize this woman, and to a level that is almost scary, wish I could be her. But still, it smacks of B101. It must have been a fluke, a stage, a stylistic experiment in the ordinary because she definitely recovers from this lapse with everything else she has recorded since then, especially Gone Again - my first and favorite Patti Smith album. I am obviously not a music critic, nor an expert, and in the end know very little about music in general. I don't have anything smart or deep to critique this album on, but I'll just say that I am glad this phase of her career is over.
See. This is what I'm doing instead of writing my term paper. Too bad there is no evidence to suggest that Dream of Life caused the obesity epidemic, because if there were, I would already be well on my way to an enthralling discussion on Patti Smith's profound effect on genetics, social consciousness and our profound, insatiable feeling of hunger.
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