I am the Witch in this club, baby...

It took me about 1o minutes to learn that I hated Medski Martin and Wood. The last time I remember being so bored at an event where everyone else is having a blast was when my parents would take me to the opera at the Masonic Temple in Detroit when I was a kid. I hated the opera. I didn't get what all these old people thought was so great or moving about it that it made them cry, and just didn't care. This is how I felt at the MMW concert. I didn't get what everyone was dancing to, what was so great about these never-ending 'jams', and why on earth the concert had to last 3 hours. The worst thing is that I was totally alone in my misery. The other 5 people I went with loved it, and raved about it the whole way back to Bennington. What am I going to say - that it was lame and boring? Remember I had just turned 18, and was with a group of older girls, some of which were very hot by the way. I wasn't about to sytand alone in the party-pooper corner of the car.
I tell you all this because today I bought tickets to see Quintron and Miss Pussycat. I am excited beyond belief and ashamed that it's been 8 years since I have been to a show, and longer since I have been to a good one. They play with Peaches at the Troc on the 25th, and I am dragging R's clueless ass with me. He definitely does not share my admiration for Mr. Quintron and his lovely wife, but being my date is his job. So there.
All this makes me feel really old and I have an image of us showing up at the Troc and being the oldest people there. But really, in my heart of hearts I know this can't be true. We are not old, and you can't really tell by just looking at us how lame we are. It takes a few minutes of hard observation for that.
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