Monday, July 17, 2006

a bit of neglect never hurt no one

I have been neglectful of this little blog as of late, laziness being only one of the reasons. My morning ritual of arriving to work early and spending at minimum the first hour of quiet in the lab jotting down my inane thoughts to you, the invisible public, has forcefully ended. Dr. Veruca Salt is now on a slightly different work schedule so she can split the stay-at-home-with-the kids-duty with her husband, so she is inevitably here already by the time I get in. This, of course means that I have to start doing stuff (you know, "working") as soon as I come in. Yes, I know, poor me. Working at work! The good news is that I get a whole 2 weeks off to write my paper for class. I have never ever had two consecutive weeks off, and I am really very, very excited, even if I will have to force myself to spend a good chunk of it the library.
In the library, because it is completely intolerable being at home. It is too damn hot, and the putzes that we are, we discovered yesterday that we are the only tenant's left who have not gotten air conditioning. The main reason that we haven't put one in (other than the fact that we don't have one big enough for our space) is that we didn't want to have to pay the electricity for it. Turns out that our wonderful landlords are covering the electric still - even for AC's. Maybe instead of getting the gas back on we should get an AC. Hm. I like that. Cold showers aren't so bad anyways.
This hasn't been very exciting today, I know. I'm in a little bit of a fuzz - not sure whether to blame the heat or something else. I am really not so into this class I'm taking right now. I am excited to write my paper, which is a plus, but it's been a bit of a chore to get through the class discussions and readings. I am the only one to blame however - I am simply not used to reading 17th century poetry, or ancient Roman satire. I just have to buckle down and get used to it. That - I have to firmly remember - is why I am doing this; why I took out $18,000 in loans; why I am schlepping to class after work a couple of times a week. I don't want to make the mistake I made before of taking the easy route - of doing simply what comes naturally.

Lately, all the things that used to come so easy (drawing for example) are like walking through sand in high heels.


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