My Bones

I wasn't shocked by his insights, except for the revelation that my parents misdiagnosed a fracture. It turns out that the upward sloping line that appears on both my tibia and fibula is an artery pathway or something (totally normal) and not a fracture. This is great news - meaning it's not so serious.
Although, it probably is a stress fracture. Tomorrow I have an appointment for a bone scan to confirm.
It was also revealed that my shoes are a problem. I have always bought shoes with enhanced arch support because the notion that I have flattish feet has remained with me since I was prescribed with orthotics to correct for flat feet when I was eleven. No wonder I wear away the outer edge of my shoes so much - the damn things are pushing my feet outwards.
The best news is that I can actually start running again as long as I don't feel pain. I will wait for the bone scan, and then ease into it.
But the haze is clearing.
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