2 more hours and a bag of chips
I just couldn't make myself get up this morning. The guy on the "all talk" station started yapping promptly at 4:40am and I kept smacking him back down until 5:00 and then just gave in to being comfortbale in our newly raised bed and decided to stay where I was. Sometimes that extra 2 hours of sleep really hits the spot. I actually got to take a shower in my own shower, which makes this maybe only the 5th time I've used it since we've moved in.
R and I went to the dentist last night. I got my last three fillings done (3 out of 5!) and R got x-rays. I had meant to do so many things last night, but exhaustion and numbness and hunger took over. I really need to buckle down and start reading. My brain collapses after 3pm however, which makes it so much harder to work, let alone really concentrate on dense economic/social theory. It's this whole working thing. It takes up 8 big hours right in the middle of the day. Don't they know I could be getting so much done during that time. Well, I guess that's what "they" are banking on: that I will use my best hours to be productive for the benifit of mankind. Lately what I say to that is, good luck.
The good side about me sleeping in, is that I got to work early enough to scan my face!Man does my skin look bad that close. I am figuring out just how much light the scanner actually needs to read an image, and it turns out that it needs quite a bit. I'll keep trying in my solitary moments. When Johana goes on maternity leave and after Raquel has left for Spain, I guess I'll have the room to myself to fuck around in. I'll have to get some better speakers for my compy.
R and I went to the dentist last night. I got my last three fillings done (3 out of 5!) and R got x-rays. I had meant to do so many things last night, but exhaustion and numbness and hunger took over. I really need to buckle down and start reading. My brain collapses after 3pm however, which makes it so much harder to work, let alone really concentrate on dense economic/social theory. It's this whole working thing. It takes up 8 big hours right in the middle of the day. Don't they know I could be getting so much done during that time. Well, I guess that's what "they" are banking on: that I will use my best hours to be productive for the benifit of mankind. Lately what I say to that is, good luck.

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