Monday, July 25, 2005

The Last Two Weeks

Woke up at 7 Sunday morning to inject the mice with Johana, feeling like I had fallen asleep with garbage in my mouth. I got home late the night before, by myself, tired, physically exhausted. I had felt waves of an impending cold all of Saturday night, and it continued into Sunday and into this morning. I have been going to bed far too late (for my standards anyways) and sleeping terribly. I wake up before the alarm, at about a quarter to five, groggy, with a sore throat and jaw (my wisdom teeth acting up again). My appetite has been seriously reduced, which is a strange sensation since I am normally always hungry. This has been going on for the past few weeks now, and its probably catching up to me and my body will soon collapse.

But its been a great couple of weeks. Let's see how long I can make it. In the meantime, welcome back Beef.


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