Monday, April 24, 2006

The Day After Tommorrow

For about 15 minutes this morning I thought that the world was seriously ending and that I was going to die wet and alone.
Yes folks, it hailed this morning. Hailed. Big, round, motherfucking painful pellets of hail. It was about 6:30 this morning and the weather felt good - it was damp out because its been raining the past couple of days, but it was warm enough to run in a tank top and it felt good.
Then the light started to turn yellow. In my head I was trying to convince myself that this didn't have to mean it was going to start pouring. I thought that maybe it would be just a drizzle - but then it started a downpour. I couldn't see in front of me, so I pulled over to get a plan together but I was just getting wetter. Then the rain started to sting my eyes and hurt. I look down and see all these white pellets on the ground, like road salt. What the fuck - it was ice. No wonder it hurt. I had to keep running because I wasn't about to stand under a tree and get struck by lightning. This is when I started to think that maybe this was the end of the world. It's the end of April, it starts hailing out of the blue, and the thunder and lightning are feeling pretty apopoclyptic. For the next 15 minutes I got a pretty good speed interval going though, and before I made it to the Texaco where I was planning to take cover, the hail stopped and turned into regular old rain. Eventually it tapered down to a drizzle. I was already drenched so I figured there was no point in stopping so I finished my run as I had intended. There was even a little bit of sunshine. Just a little.

I did not do enough to get my paper started this weekend and am slightly panicking. I have gotten a bunch of reading done today though inbetween doinng stuff at work. The paper is starting to take shape mentally, if not physically. Hopefully I can sneak out early for a date with Frederic Olmsted at the library after work.


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