Thursday, April 13, 2006

37 degrees

Today we are having a farewell lunch for the other technician in our lab. Fun times of pre-Easter distraction and un-work related interaction!
Yesterday was actually busy at work for the first time in quite awhile and it was kind of nice - but I think that that has to do with the fact that I actually learned something new for the first time in months.
I have been continuing my thoughts on spatial distribution. I highly recommend you go here. That's all I'm gonna say about that right now. My thoughts are still fuzzy today on this matter, and I have the feeling that I might jinx myself.
I have this thing, that whenever the seed of an idea is just beginning to sprout, one of two things can happen: In the excitement of the revelation you share it with those around you, or, you don't say anything and let it grow a little bit. In my experience, whenever the first thing happens, the idea fizzes in its own juices for a bit, but eventually dies out. The next step is never taken, nothing gets made. If you let grow however, it kind of swells and expands until eventually it just has to get done. By this time, the idea has matured into a thing in and of itself. It is born.
This superstition isn't about protecting "intellectual property". It's not that I am scared that R is going to steal my idea. It really is about fertilizing and properly incubating a course of action, whatever that may be.
So that's kind of where I am at today. In incubation.


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