Friday, February 17, 2006


We have made it through our third night in "Carmenville" and it seems to be getting easier. Last night she was pretty relaxed and only marginally adamant about having to get home. We made dinner which made her feel that there were lots of people coming to eat - it was a ton of food so I don't exactly blame her. She made it to bed, exhausted, but pretty lucid.
Last night was the first night this week that I didn't wake up every 5 minutes to check on her, so I actually got to sleep a good 6 hours.

All the billboards and ads running about the new Curious George movie have got me thin
king about little George and his yellow-suited man. I haven't re-visited the story since I was a kid - I don't rember anything about it really except that the guy always wore a yellow suit and yellow hat, that the monkey was cute and I loved it. Carmen used to check them out from the library because they were the only childrens books they had in Spanish. They were those big kid size books with the thick pages and flat color illustrations. While we were eating the other night to break the silence I asked her if she remembered reading those books with me. I told her about the movie that was coming out, how it didn't look nearly as good as the books were; I described the monkey and the man in yellow. Of course she didn't remember. I knew that. And she wasn't really interested either - her mind is in another place, not here, but somewhere in the past trying to remake it, or ammend it. It made me feel better to tell her about it. It was a reminder that I am not missing something in my relationship with her but that we are in two different places, two different continents. I understand now that my mom saw this a long, long time ago. I am getting that the way she deals with the stress of taking care of a stubborn 85 year old mother (with an at time belligerent temper, mind you) is by taking it one day at a time, as the 12-steppers say. Its a good strategy, and the only one that works for most of us, in most situations.


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