This weekend was spent first, sleeping and second, discussinf various philosphical/social issues with my mother. My grandmother has been amazingly lucid as well. Last night R and I stopped over for a minute and in the amount of time it took R to walk to the garage, my mom and I had become deeply involved in a conversation about the religious origins of socialism, which soon evolved into a discussion of god, science and atheism, and of course, all roads lead to the issue of the search for truth. As my mother was going about Buddism and the various stages of enlightment somewhere she referred to the "fantastic" and my grandmother, out of nowhere, chimes in with "Is it really fanatsic, or do you really mean unrealizable?"
The reasons why this is amazing: First, we were speaking in english, and since my grandmother's dementia started to settle in several years ago, she has been unable to understand anything but spanish. Second, she totally grapsed what we were talking about. Remarkable for a woman who constantly beleives that she is still in argentina...and that her parents are still alive.
The reasons why this is amazing: First, we were speaking in english, and since my grandmother's dementia started to settle in several years ago, she has been unable to understand anything but spanish. Second, she totally grapsed what we were talking about. Remarkable for a woman who constantly beleives that she is still in argentina...and that her parents are still alive.
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